


The insecurity was so real I had this serious inner turmoil going on around if I really could fully experience a tiny house. I really wanted to experience smaller, more sustainable living but at the same time I felt I had to wait because I was too fat. At 300lbs I decided, I’m not sure why, that I couldn’t do these things until I lost the weight. I guess the reality of not being able to go on the harry potter ride in universal last year hit me kinda hard. I was too fat for the ride, the first time I’ve ever experienced this. So I felt like my obsession with tiny houses and off the grid living  was a little out of reach. It seems entirely ridiculous saying it now. Then one day I said F..k it. I booked a tiny house that was only an hour from me…

So at some point during this summer, in the midst of all of the school work, training and immense amount of projects and homework I was able to find some time to do something other than work. We decided to go to Longwood which I’ve been dying to do since the last time I went! If you’ve never been and you’re in the tri-state area you really should check it out. Longwood is a great place for nature, garden, and architecture lovers. Even some good stuff for music and history buffs! It’s not very far outside of Philadelphia, located in Kennett Square, PA. I thought it was pretty cool that they also hold various classes throughout the year from Photography to arrangements and many fun things in between and for all ages! Below are some of the photos (and I took entirely too many so bear with me) I…

My boyfriend’s family gave him a trip for 2 as a Christmas present to the speedwell forge bed and breakfast at the Wolf Sanctuary of Pennsylvania. So naturally I was extremely excited as well as he, thankfully his family scheduled it for March since the weather has been so crazy this winter and the car doesn’t do well in the snow. Conveniently it was planned just a few days after my birthday and during my spring break from classes! We were lucky enough to land warm weather for Saturday and Sunday while we were there as the snow didn’t hit the area until Monday. If you haven’t heard of the Wolf Sanctuary of Pennsylvania then you should go check them out at because they are truly an amazing place with amazing, and very kind people. It is located just near Lancaster, PA in Lititz. During our short stay at…

Sunday I went with the boyfriend to adventure aquarium with our friends and their daughter. Currently Adventure Aquarium in Camden New Jersey is offering $15 tickets for general admission until March 2nd(Use code SNOW14) so we figured now is as good a time as any for him to go to the aquarium since he’s really wanted to go for about a year now.  Funny enough half way through the aquarium I ran into my mother who just so happened to be taking the kids too for the first time! So naturally they didn’t want to go home yet and we had not headed to the kids zone yet so they came with us the rest of the visit. Here are some photos from our trip! What was the last aquarium you’ve visited?

Yes you hear right, Lush Cosmetics now has a spa in our very own Philadelphia located on Walnut Street in center city and let me tell you that it is absolutely fabulous. As a girl that appreciates aesthetics of design in various forms I can tell you this is unlike any spa you’ve experienced to date. (Or at least I have experienced.) There seems to be a general standard for spas, tan walls, white towels and robes. In my mind a very beach like feel no matter if I was in Massachusetts, Florida or some other state the experience was similar if not the same. There was no unique experience, no remembrance of the location. Nothing stood out. Flash forward to Thursday’s event where I first hand got to see these fabulous masseuses in action. Each of the 6 (7 including tailor made) programs has a different soundtrack created by…

Linvilla Orchards is one of my favorite places to visit in the fall. If you are in the tri-state area I highly recommend a visit if you are a fall loving person. This year they also had a much larger selection for terrarium set ups which is a hot DIY currently, and a personal favorite of mine! The terrarium set ups, planters and plants are, for the most part cheaper than getting them from your local shop, Lowes or home depot in the city. (If you’ve found a cheaper place please let me know!) We normally go during the week when no one is there, this time we went on the weekend and it was by far the busiest I’ve ever seen it (Could those ads on I95 have something to do with it? Maybe.) Regardless they had a live band and delicious food and I always love their market…

A week or so ago my boyfriend and I visited the Philadelphia Morris Arboretum. Yes you heard me right this little gem of 175 acres resides just within the Philadelphia boundaries. If you love Longwood Garden but feel it’s a bit of a travel the Morris Arboretum will give you some of that vibe. It is an oasis within the city life for sure and its located right near Chestnut Hill College on Germantown Pike. Until a few years ago I did not even know this place existed. But since I’ve found this place I’ve gone a few times during some of our nicest weather. This fall you can experience the change of the flowers and trees as well as check out the Scarecrow section that local children and groups made. You can even vote for your favorite! Be sure to check their calendar because they often have events going…

I would just like to say that the snow leopards in this area have been popping out babies left and right. (There are also cubs at the Philadelphia Zoo.) I visited the Cape May Zoo last year but it was an hour before closing so we zipped through it. This time I got to look at everything (Except the otters weren’t out *Super Sad Face*). Here are some photos from the day! When was the last time you visited a zoo?

“In a World Like This” Tour, Boston and Portsmouth My father surprised us with a trip to see our Great-Grandmother in New Hampshire with a pit-stop in Boston, Massachusettsafter our outing at the Backstreet Boys “In a world like this” tour with Jesse McCartney.  Unfortunately I didn’t get too many awesome pictures because I had to hold my six year old sister up. (I can’t believe the girls wouldn’t let her stand in front of them so she could see but at one point a group let her and I thank those girls.) The private show by Jesse was awesome, he performed 2 songs and sang the one at my little sister (she got shy and it was too cute). Then after the concert we went to the BackStreet Boys after party and took a picture with them. It was in the same room that Jesse was in earlier, nice…

We had an eventful weekend and this post will have quite a few photos. My boyfriend and I went to Woodstown, New Jersey near his home for their annual parade and spent some time with his friends. I’m such a city girl I was flabbergasted at how many different types of tractors there are haha. I’ve never seen a tractor in a parade before.     Then we headed back to Philadelphia for fireworks at night. Philadelphia has fireworks at almost every part of the city but I decided to do the same as I did the previous year and join my friend’s family for the fireworks display at the Philadelphia Art Museum.   My friend Nicole and her father The following day was my sister’s birthday and we had a little get together for that. My sister refused to have a birthday party but regardless it was still nice. …