


Benefits of a Mood or vision board I really enjoy having some structure and organization in my life. I know its not everyone’s cup of tea, but it really makes my day feel polished. Having a mood board for your wedding or really any event allow you to both develop and communicate a distinct vision. It also helps you know recognize what you may be missing from a visual perspective. (Also I suggest keeping some type of spreadsheet or notebook for all of your other wedding details like vendor lists, contacts, guestlists, budgeting etc.) How to create a wedding board with pinterest Pinterest introduced the ability to have subboards or folders if you will within a board. This allows you to further define your board. If you are a person like me who has many, many boards for hobbies, dream/vision boards, DIY, recipes etc. you might really appreciate this nifty…

So life is tough, right? We get so caught up in the day to day, deadlines, babies, households, families, extended families, friends… it can all be overwhelming sometimes. But the key that I’ve found is really remembering to carve time for yourself and center align yourself with some “Me time”. Here’s my three step formula from me to you on how I manage carving out “Me time”: Schedule “Me Time” This may seem silly, or you may be thinking “Girl you don’t have any kids what do you know?” well I’ve helped raise enough kids to know that if you don’t schedule you time, women have a tendency to care for themselves last, which sometimes leave it off the to-do list when the list keeps growing. It’s important for you to schedule, and stick to that schedule. May it be a 5 minute meditation a day, or a one hour…

I am a fan of lists, organization and planning which I’m sure you’ve gathered so far. (If you are new, SURPRISE! I’m a little list OCD.) As of 2015 I completed my very last project for school and graduated in July. I followed my plan to move on my own by 2015’s end and in fact moved by 2015 September, a few months after graduation. But it took a lot of patience and a heck of a huge commitment and I will absolutely give myself a pat on the back for a job well done. But a balanced life is hard to maintain when you’ve got big dreams and not enough hours in the day. Here are some of my tips to keep your eye on the prize and come out victorious on the other side. Have an end game Plan your milestones (and celebrate) Push yourself, and then push…