


Why have I never done this before… scratch that, why haven’t I done this since I was little and using MS paint back on my stone age computer? I made this all with shapes and distorted them to fit what I was looking for. I’ve always told myself I can’t draw people. People are too complicated. I suck at drawing hands and here I go making a person without having to draw a thing at all. It was actually really fun and I think I’ll have to try this more often. (PFT show’d myself huh? That’s what I get for being negative. HAPPINESS! wait… I’m not sure how that applies.) I always found art to be very therapeutic and since this week has been very gloomy in my efforts to celebrate my cousins life in her passing. I just can’t jump into celebrating life, even if she was such an…

So I saved up all of the money I got for Christmas and got myself a Intuos Creative pen & touch tablet from Wacom. For anyone who’s spent hours trying to draw with a small trackpad or mouse you know my pain and frustration. So my goal for the year was 2 big purchases. 1. A tablet to make my work easier and a new computer exclusive for work. I’m one down! So let me tell you how awesome this is… its super awesome! Coming from someone who has never experienced the use of a drawing tablet (Seriously I don’t count drawing on my Nexus. ) Wacom has multiple sizes to choose from but since I tend to write and draw with wider strokes I figured a medium would be the perfect size for me. (They have a small version for under $100!) What I didn’t realize until I started…

I used Photoshop CS3 for this tutorial. Everything works the same if not similar in newer programs as well as these processes can be transferred and used in free programs like GIMP with a similar setup. Step One We are starting fresh so you will need to create a new image. Step Two Be sure when you create your image you set the background to transparent. (If you forget use the magic erase tool on the white or whatever color background to completely remove it.) Step Three Chose the ellipse tool from your shape tool. Step Four Remember if you want a perfect circle hold down the Shift key. You can choose your color before or after. (After? look to the layers menu.) Step Five Add, draw, text, pattern… Whatever you want on your button. (If your image overlaps you can use the mask tool from layers box. Right click…

I know I usually misplace or forget to purchase a card for someone, last minute I have to create or find one online to print and so I’ve made four simple holiday greeting cards this season. I have them hosted through my google drive so you can just click on the link and download each pdf file from the link. This is completely FREE. (There is no watermarking on the images on the PDF this was only for the blog post.) These are all made to print on standard computer paper and folded. (Glue if you want it to be more sturdy.) Winter Snowflake PDF Santa Claus PDF Kid’s Christmas Tree PDF Chalkboard & Holly PDF Hope you enjoy and have a happy holiday season! Be sure to enter our two giveaways! A Free custom Blogpost Design & 9 Hand-drawn Holiday Cards!

No, not literately the beginning (I wish haha) but this is the first printable I’ve made and offered on I’ve started working with creating printable items related to blogging. I’ve always been a planner type of girl, things go in my computer calendar or gets written in my physical planner. I have more office supplies then I would probably ever need to use and when I see a staples I get way too excited for my own good. But that is neither here nor there. I felt it was time to create a custom planner specifically for my blog so that I can keep track of the progress and keep my thoughts and ideas together in one place, not scattered across a number of books as they are now. This was my very first try and I’m giving you guys the sheet. You can print these out on a regular printer and punch holes in them.…