The gorgeous Wisteria Collection in inspired by “Autumn Love” and by far one of my favorite collections I’ve seen of fine jewelry. It speaks to the nature girl inside of me. The tree branch inspired rings are absolutely beautiful and I totally wish I could obtain the one in this outfit!

Dig a little Deeper

I was contacted by the lovely people at Brilliant Earth to inform me of their gorgeous new collection launching today. For anyone who doesn’t know what Brilliant Earth is, it is an ethical jewelry company specializing in engagement rings and fine jewelry. I don’t know about you but when I think about diamonds and other precious stones and metals I wonder who found it, who fought for it, and sometimes the sad thought of who died for them. Totally morbid right? But sometimes I just feel bad for wanting to wear clearly beautiful things if it means that someone is hurting from it. I couldn’t imagine wearing a ring for the rest of my life that was a product of unethical practices… anyway after my totally random rant as per usual…

Brilliant Earth is basically the opposite of everything I just described and a site that I’ve checked out on a number of occasions. Not only are their site photos amazingly brilliant (oh hey that’s their name!) They have some really innovative practices that I hope will be implemented in other companies as time progresses.

In light of already being in awe over this company, I wanted to show you a few pieces of their new collection via a fashion post and the lighter side; but to also share the movement and hopefully make you aware of companies out there that refuse to participate in the attainment and sales of Blood Diamonds.

Check out their Stop Blood Diamondscampaign for change.

What do you think about Brilliant Earth now that you know of their Ethical Standards?