I came across this brand which I actually featured in a recent post [here] and the day I was writing up that post Firmoo.com actually contacted be about doing giveaways which I thought was just absolutely perfect. I know how difficult it is to even think about paying for glasses especially when you’re glasses are as expensive as mine come out to be. (Hundreds of dollars) This is money I could be saving and Firmoo is a prime example of somewhere you can save those big bucks. Not only do they have regular glasses they have transitions, prescription sunglasses, computer glasses even just fashion glasses.

Firmoo has affordable glasses that are 80%-90% less than local stores and they don’t lack on style either. The Classic series has both sunglasses and regular glasses you can choose from a variety of styles and the glasses start at just $8.

For anyone who doesn’t know Firmoo offers a select first pair free with their glasses this means if you want fashion glasses you get your first pair free and if you want prescription glasses you only have to pay for the lenses (which are surprisingly REALLY affordable. Believe me I have terrible eye sight and when I checked my price it was low even with additional things added to the lenses.) You just pay shipping like a normal order.
Now for the giveaway: 
First and foremost, you do not need a prescription to obtain these glasses. They have fashion glasses & sunglasses as well as offer prescriptions to them if needed.

The Giveaway will last for three weeks and we need 100 Contestants! The more people who enter the better the prize will be but if we have less than 50 entries than 6 people will each get a $20 voucher which is still awesome because if you get your first pair free and use the voucher on your lenses you’re golden. More than 50 valid entries there will be Firmoo Glasses given away.
To be a valid contestant all you have to do is go to the Firmoo Classic Series page [here] and write a comment on this page below this giveaway saying which pair you would love to win. Please also include your e-mail. You DO NOT have to fill out the Rafflecopter it is simply additional.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Please be aware that there are International Shipping restrictions. Below are the places Firmoo ships.

“We ship to these following countries currently:  US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Finland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Greece, Italy, England, UAE, Bengal, Argentina, Pakistan, Brazil, Russia, Peru, Mexico, Ukraine and Israel, Oman, Kuwait, Egypt, Qatar, Bahrain, Latvia, Romania, South Africa,…”
