A new series here at CrashBeauty will be “STYLED”. I practically never post photos of what I wear and I finally decided would, on occasion post some images. Clothing fashion is probably one thing I constantly am working toward improving because I use to always buy what fit and not what I enjoyed wearing.
In the last few years I’ve gravitated towards buying clothes that not only fit me well but clothes that I enjoy wearing and quite frankly make me feel more like me. This is constantly a work in progress for me. But alas, I will share “Outfits Of The Day” with you on occasion.
Please let me know if you think I should continue this series.
Here’s what I’m wearing:
Calvin Klein Green Dress from Marshall’s $10
Lane Bryant Outlet Black Jacket bought at buy one get one free $45 for 2 Jackets (black, white)
Fergalicious Shoes, Celeste Mary Jane Platform Pumps from Off Broadway Shoes $35
Bow bracelet and Necklace from Forever 21 total: $5.00
(All purchased at the Franklin Mills Mall for you Philadelphians. Different trips.)