My sister had her Recital this weekend that just past. I decided today I should post some photos I took because it was too adorable. I really hope she decides to continue with it, I actually enjoyed it more then I thought I would have. They went from youngest to oldest and the younger children had two of the older children (or teenagers depending on their group) stand off to either side to do the dance with them in case they forgot their steps. Which face it, the 3 and 4 year old kids are not going to remember everything lol.

My sister is 4 so she was one of the first acts up. Her first one was “I Have Learned A Ballet Dance”. (She’s the tiny one in the middle) All of the students had adorable costumes. They even had one performance that the older girls had glow in the dark lights on them and half their performance was done in the dark! They had fog machines and strobe lights… seriously these people were not joking around lol. Full on production. I thought it was cool that the kids get to experience it. The only things I ever did were in school I never went to an outside company when I was little. (Now I kind of wish we did lol)

The second performance that Jaclyn was in was “Penguin Waddle”

It was absolutely adorable, and the young ones did much better this time, I assume they got over the crowd watching them by this point. That or the hour break that they were waiting for their next performance completely got them wired to jump around lol.

Overall, the recital was well rounded. They had traditional ballet songs to a  LMFAO song and a BoyzIIMen song. I think everyone had a fantastic time and I was amazed that they had a 50/50 of over $800! People must have really wanted that money haha.
I have one-two years before my sister Mikayla can start at the school so I hope by then I’ve got a good job with the degree that I have so I can pay for it. I’m sure she’d love it just as much as Jaclyn if not more.

Anyway, here are a few more photos I took at the event :


 Can you guess what movie this was from?
This was the group right after Jaclyn, Most adorable costume ever.



They shot confetti at the finale, lol the smaller children just wanted to play with it.


So many kids!
Ever been to or in a recital when you were little?