I mean seriously, who makes a blog post about earrings? Yeah This girl. So in recent months I’ve gotten some earrings. Typically I only wear or wore gold/white gold earrings because of some skin reactions (like what does my skin not react negatively to lol.) But I’ve found out recently that now I can wear pretty much any kind of earrings.

So A few months ago a friend of mine bought me a cute pair of earrings off of South Street. Mind you these were not my typical earrings but they are very pretty on. I like to refer to them as my alien earrings lol. The lady that works there was actually seriously nice, and the jewelry was kinda cool if you like things that are a little different. I probably would have never thought to walk in there on my own accord.

But after this I saw a pair of earrings that were just too cute not to buy (Especially since the were $1.50) At Forever 21 and they were cupcakes. (Actually the first time I went to Forever 21 which was over the summer. How did I live without it?!)

So I probably purchased a few more small things since summer and Christmas my mother and my mom-mom (Grandmother) bought me some cute feather earrings at Burlington Coat Factory.

I actually thought that these would bother my skin too because they are long enough to rub against it but not worries with these either. The black ones are my favorite. Though i can’t stop “petting” them because they are so unbelievably soft. I hope I don’t mess them up! That would be terrible! They actually picked feathers that matched the dress that my mother bought me for Christmas. Which by the way is my absolute favorite dress (casual) to wear. Totally comfy. (Again from Forever 21, Think I’m obsessed? YEAH lol.)

Notice I ramble a lot? Yeah sorry about that. But anyway the earrings are awesome I also have some cool shaped metal ones that unfortunately I haven’t taken pictures of.

Three other places that I love “costume” jewelry from is Charlotte Russe, New York & Company and modcloth.com. Modcloth has the most adorable pocket watch necklaces EVER.

What are some of your favorite places to get “Costume” Jewelry?


Alien Right?