


Benefits of a Mood or vision board I really enjoy having some structure and organization in my life. I know its not everyone’s cup of tea, but it really makes my day feel polished. Having a mood board for your wedding or really any event allow you to both develop and communicate a distinct vision. It also helps you know recognize what you may be missing from a visual perspective. (Also I suggest keeping some type of spreadsheet or notebook for all of your other wedding details like vendor lists, contacts, guestlists, budgeting etc.) How to create a wedding board with pinterest Pinterest introduced the ability to have subboards or folders if you will within a board. This allows you to further define your board. If you are a person like me who has many, many boards for hobbies, dream/vision boards, DIY, recipes etc. you might really appreciate this nifty…

I’ve been wedding planning in some way, shape or form for about a year now. We knew we wanted a longer engagement. In order to both save money for the wedding to have one we’d love and to be able to share it with our loved ones. We also knew that we wanted enough time to plan and not feel entirely overwhelmed with decision making. While I know in January, things will start rolling a bit quicker, I have discovered some things that would have been helpful to know when I first started, some seem so simple but I just didn’t think of it! 5 tips on beginning to plan your wedding Have fun! Enjoy your engagement before going down the whirl wind of wedding planning, it can be stressful so remember to take time to enjoy it. Plan your wedding based on how you want it to feel and…