Firstly, happy April fools day! I’ve been enjoying a number of the april fools day commercials (if you haven’t seen them you need to check out the essurance one as well as the google cardboard plastic goggles to start).

I wanted to share the board which will be the same board I use for any future beauty basic pin related posts. This pinterest board below is in constantly flux as I will continue to add content. Here are the pins I suggest checking out from this board:

  1. Beauty Hacks you wish you knew yesterday
  2. The ultimate guide to great skin
  3. 2016 cruelty free brands
  4. Skin undertones – where do you stand on the color wheel?
  5. The right way to wash your face in 7 easy steps
  6. The right order to apply your beauty products
  7. Makeup brushes 101
  8. 9 unbelievably steps for perfect makeup
  9. 4 ways to use your liquid foundation
  10. 27 Charts That Will Help You Make Sense Of Makeup

Don’t forget these are just tips and this doesn’t mean this is the end all, be all. 

If you know a better way please share!

*Note for the Cruelty free pin, there are companies that are not on there because their parent company still tests on animals.