Let me start by saying there are some brands out there that I honestly just find intimidating. Yes I love makeup but I am by no means a PRO or a makeup artist (though I have some fabulous friends that are). MAKE UP FOR EVER was one of these brands for me. I’ve only ever looked at their products at Sephora. But now having meet the team at the King of Prussia store and seeing what Employees of MAKE UP FOR EVER are about I feel the complete opposite. They made you feel so comfortable and they really just want to teach you the brilliant ways of makeup.
I found out they have makeup lessons, and even this September they will have their very own Makeup Lesson Studio where the artists apply from behind you so that it can be filmed and you can watch it again from home. I’m not going to lie; I just want to see one of these makeup artists do those because it sounds pretty cool.

Now I don’t have to tell you their products are pretty amazing because lets’ be honest if you know MAKE UP FOR EVER you know amazing is pretty much synonymous with its name. When I think of the company I think of bold color, art work and everything gorgeous. So being in their store is pretty exciting. Totally random fact, they have pigments that you can add to your makeup to have it show under a black light… can you imagine going to a club like that? OH IT WOULD BE SUPER COOL! (I love glow in the dark type items in case you didn’t notice haha.)

Unfortunately I totally neglected to get a photo of them doing my makeup but the lady who did mine was super informative and friendly as well as the lady who informed me on some of their product lines. I did however get a photo of the products she used.

Also, if you purchase lashes there they will show you how to apply it. I don’t know about you but putting crazy but amazing looking eye lashes is intimidating so it’s nice to know they will walk you through a demonstration rather than take your money and run.

They really have fantastic service and that’s why I can see why people go there. I think it’s great that they have professional products but share some of them with the everyday gal or guy. While I still can’t see myself buying a $19.00 lipstick for everyday use MAKE UP FOR EVER will definitely be a holiday splurge product for me.

If you are super into Make-up you should look into the MAKE UP FOR EVER academy it seems like an amazing experience for those who want to be serious perhaps big name professionals.

The store’s Grand Opening is today so go say hi to the lovely staff if you’re in the area and tell them Chrissy from geekowl.com sent you!

Oh! By the way one of those tubes they gave me was actually a USB flash drive! OMG, it’s the most adorable thing ever for a Beauty Blogger. I look forward to reviewing some of these products.
Have you ever visited a MAKE UP FOR EVER store?