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[wyde_heading style=”2″ text_align=”left” title=”Welcome to GeekOwl” subheading=”Creative blog & portfolio”]

Welcome to our little slice of Internet. We hope you are comfy, cozy and hopefully curled up on your couch drinking a warm cup of [insert your favorite drink here]. At GeekOwl you’ll find honest reviews, posts about beauty, home, style, life, travel, critters, and geekdom. We love to knowledge share especially around web design, graphics, photography and gaming. You can download some nifty presets we’ve created over at the Owlery. We hope you stay a while and enjoy; check out our latest blog posts.

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[wyde_slider show_pagination=”true”][wyde_slide image=”6939″ title=”Celebrate beauty” slide_id=”def1449378199-1-19″ subtitle=”in all its forms”]I love beauty and sharing beauty, which is awesome because you can find beauty in practically anything. There’s positive energy to it and it isn’t just a person, it can be an object, a language, an animal, anything. I want to share it with you![/wyde_slide][wyde_slide image=”6938″ title=”Gaming & Geekdom” slide_id=”1455444677110-3-8″ subtitle=”Tips, gameplay, discussions”]You can find posts and videos of gaming, fantasy/syfi books, movies, pop culture related to geekdom and more. My idea of “adulting” includes plushies and pop figures. No apologies.[/wyde_slide][wyde_slide image=”6940″ title=”Lifestyle & Critters” slide_id=”1449380362016-2-3″ subtitle=”just a few of my favorite things”]You can find a lot of lifestyle related posts on my blog. I post about makeup, plus size fashion, home interior, travel, enhancing life, enjoying life and of course super cute critters.[/wyde_slide][/wyde_slider]
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The Owlery is a shop of FREE digital content, presets, or other goodies for you to use. We want to celebrate you as our community and periodically provide new FREE items. 🙂

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